A while ago I thought that it would be nice not only to show you what I send to my pen-pals,but also to mention what I've already received :) Therefore, this post will be dedicated to all the letters and postcards (actually,only a part of the whole amount!:), that I ever got from my mailbox.
Wonderful stamps are also included! :)
Just a gorgeous letter from Germany-with a card and three chewing gums! So unexpected!:)
A letter full of papers (yes,i love tiny paper "useless" stuff:), stunning stamps and just amazing card in style closed to Pin-Up girls. I Love that to death!:)
A card from Finland, with such a bright hedgehog!:) Yes.that's a hedgehog!
A card was sent in a really pretty yellow envelope with just a gorgeous sunflower stamp.One of the best stamps I ever recevied!:)
And also an article from Finnish newspaper was attached. Awesome!
And that is my beloved letter from Czech Republic! I had been waiting really for much time for this parcel to arrive! Here you can see a package of sweets,chewing gum, nice postcards with Czech cartoons and Czech comics-the best part of this message!:)i've already read it all!
The letter itself, hedgehog stickers and just a great deal of various tickets:from festivals,trips and concerts
Finally, here is a letter from my Russian's pen-pal. Her handmade envelope is just so much wonderful! I especially love the checked sticker and the back side of it,where there's a nice poem.
The deer looks especially funny!
In the enevelope there were 4 stunning cards with views of St.Petersbrugh and famous Art reproductions.
A letter and a bookmark also were included! And also look at these romantic stamps!
To sum up, it's a really unforgettable and really unique feeling to get real paper letters and parcels.That is one of those feelings, which you should totally try. As for other beautiful cards and postal surprises in my mailbox, check out them in my next posts!
I loved reading this post!